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  1. 🔘 GitHub Starter 🔘 GitHub Home Basic 🔘 GitHub Home Premium 🔘 GitHub Professional 🔘 GitHub Enterprise 🔘 GitHub Ultimate
  2. as a programmer and as a parent, I’m always cleaning up shit created by a younger version of myself
  3. More fundamentals! Less frameworks! Skills with long shelf lives (unordered): * HTML * CSS * JavaScript * Progressive Enhancement * Accessibility * Typography * Usability * Design * Clean Code and writing Testable Code Lots of gold here: via @nicknisi
  4. please enter a password that has 8 characters or less
  5. when the font-size is too small but they used maximum-scale=1
  6. proposal: make “framework” a standard unit of time “I’ve been working at this job for 4.6 frameworks”
  7. as part of her job at a zoo my wife breeds bugs and releases them into the wild I never realized how similar our jobs were before now
  8. Elaine, an 81 year old woman doing open source etiquette right. She didn’t send an e-mail—she filed an issue:
  9. 1. 👏 Hire someone that’s good at HTML and CSS to build components independent of JS frameworks 👏 2. Plug components into a JS framework and layer on behavior later 3. Pay HTML/CSS devs what they deserve for giving part of your codebase longer shelf life than unpasteurized milk @housecor/982244076702515202
  10. Facebook ships an iOS app every 2 weeks—latest: 146MB is 776KB, 40KB primed App download == 266 website visits/day
  11. Move slow Fix things
  12. Turns out Google does a two-pass indexing and the first pass doesn’t run JavaScript. That’s kind of a big deal. @Paul_Kinlan/1039852756113080320
  13. Progressive Enhancement, in a diagram. via @kberryman/875375600114036737
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. loading six web fonts for a single typeface and waiting for browsers to add variable fonts support
  16. 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 🟨 not a misaligned wordle just a waterfall of all the javascript I had to download to read your blog post
  17. doing some HTML programming
  18. why do takes like “Front-end developers must be full stack” and “Designers must learn to code” always come from people doing none of those roles 🤔
  19. “you see, the giant JavaScript bundle actually makes the page faster…”
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  20. oh you’re a web developer? name all the viewport sizes
  21. starbucks can deliver your coffee by drone but I’m not allowed to put a trailing comma in a JSON object??
  22. For almost two years we have been trying to grow our family through adoption and this week we had our first introduction to our son. Y’all. What an incredible feeling—my heart could burst. So much love for this little guy ♥️♥️♥️