zachleat’s avatarzachleat’s Twitter Archive—№ 39,943

    1. As speculation swirls around Next.js shipping zero-JS partial hydration—I’m hopeful this will create space to discuss the next iteration in web perf: moving beyond React. Prepare thy “How costly is it to add 1–n client-side React/Vue/Svelte/etc components” comparison blog posts!
  1. …in reply to @zachleat
    Anyway here’s a relevant blog post from @tkadlec that I’ve definitely never shared before
    1. …in reply to @zachleat
      @tkadlec And hello to this somehow still relevant @aerotwist blog post from *2016* (hi Paul)
      1. …in reply to @zachleat
        If 2016 was ahead of its time, how about this 2014 (!!) post from @johnbender on the @filamentgroup blog:
        1. …in reply to @zachleat
          And here’s @RyanCarniato’s excellent and ultra-fresh article (posted today!):
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
          1. …in reply to @zachleat
            Wanted to add another awesome resource to this old thread from @m4d_z: A pair of incredibly comprehensive charts comparing bundle sizes of 1 to 30 components in each framework 🏆