Zach’s ugly mug (his face) Zach Leatherman

Popular Posts 🔥

Ordered by pageviews per day. Sort instead by total pageviews ☀️. Data previously sourced from Google Analytics but is now using a handrolled method. I also keep a highlight reel of the most popular tweets.

  1. I Need Your Help to Make 11ty Fully Independent and Sustainable in 2024 📢 306
  2. A Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies Web Fonts📢 264
  3. An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components 📢 52
  4. BigText Makes Text Big Web FontsProject📢 81
  5. A Historical Reference of React Criticism 📢 249
  6. The Good, The Bad, The Web Components 📢 74
  7. Google Fonts is Adding font-display 🎉 Web Fonts📢 123
  8. Trailing Slashes on URLs: Contentious or Settled? 📢 247
  9. Netlify’s Disingenuous Survey-based Attack on Next.js (and Eleventy, too) 📢 108
  10. IndieWeb Avatar for on Single Page Applications (SPA) 📢 151
  11. The Smorgasbord of Windows Terminal… Windows 📢 8
  12. Use speedlify’s AvatarSpeedlify to Continuously Measure Site Performance Project📢 495
  13. <browser-window> Web Component Project📢 87
  14. The Tension and Future of Jamstack 📢 49
  15. <snow-fall> Web Component Project📢 93
  16. The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023 📢 124
  17. I added Lighthouse Scores to my Site’s Footer and You Can Too Project📢 267
  18. A New Technique for Image Optimization: SVG Short Circuiting 📢 40
  19. Which Generator builds Markdown the fastest? 📢 224
  20. Developing a Robust Font Loading Strategy for CSS-Tricks Web FontsResearch📢 162